May 29, 2008

My _Guardian_ column on Cisco and China Censorship as Market Opportunity

"The difference between politics and pornography is a social one"

The tools companies use to control workers serve equally well for governments to combat "evil religion"

Also titled "Weapons of mass censorship" on the front page of the site. I didn't submit either title, though they're OK. My suggested title was "What if censorship is in the router?"

The main point here is in terms of they-said-it-not-me. Part of Cisco's defense is in fact the technological (not moral) equivalence, "The tools built into our products that enable site filtering are the same the world over, whether sold to governments, companies or network operators."

[For all columns, see the page Seth Finkelstein |]

By Seth Finkelstein | posted in censorware | on May 29, 2008 02:49 PM (Infothought permalink)
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Perhaps it's time network routers were regulated such that they were certified to treat all legal traffic neutrally without any discrimination or suppression of content?

Perhaps the net neutrality movement would take up such a cause?

Posted by: Crosbie Fitch at May 29, 2008 05:18 PM

In case my little wheeze whizzes too highly for some, the key word is 'legal'.

Posted by: Crosbie Fitch at May 30, 2008 05:27 AM