January 02, 2008

New Year's Resolutions 2008

I'll just revisit and update the last go-around:

0) Looking back at e.g., 2005 or 2006, be aware that I tend to repeat myself in frustration, and try to address the reasons for that.

[Or 2007. Definitely a failure here. I've got to put more effort into not making that mistake.]

1) Stop arguing with marketers about "conversation". It wastes my time, and it annoys the flack. It's not going to do any good.

[Despite the occasional lapse, I think I've made progress here]

2) Stop being delusional about ever having more influence. That ship has sailed.

[Sigh ...]

3) Fish or cut bait on whether to try to push out my moldering Google and Wikipedia reports, or just write them off like the censorware research, since it's likely more effort to beg attention than it's worth for me.

[Basically decided it's a write-off]

4) "Life Trumps Blogging"

[Need more work here :-(]

By Seth Finkelstein | posted in activism | on January 02, 2008 11:58 PM (Infothought permalink)
Seth Finkelstein's Infothought blog (Wikipedia, Google, censorware, and an inside view of net-politics) - Syndicate site (subscribe, RSS)

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Please keep up the Wikipedia critiques as they've served to wake me up to what is much more complicated than the techno-utopian in me wants it to be.

Posted by: Kevin Donovan at January 4, 2008 03:27 AM

Kevin: Thanks for the kind words, but the problem is that very few people are hearing what I say (not zero, but very few).

Posted by: Seth Finkelstein at January 6, 2008 01:48 PM