Collected noteworthy items, on censorware/DMCA and my past work.
Electronic Frontiers Australia (no relationship to US EFF) has a report out opposing a proposal by an Australian political party to require mandatory ISP censorware, if that party gets into power.
My work is cited in the middle of the report (sometimes it seems that that I'm more cited in Australia than my own country!).
Last week, the DMCA Rulemaking on Exemptions from Prohibition on Circumvention of Technological Measures had a hearing on censorware, as part of that process. As a very small milestone in my quitting activism, let the record show I did not testify. The experiment was run, the measurement's been done, the bad guys won :-(.
Speaking of the DMCA, a doggerel take-off song I wrote a while back, "YesterDMCA", has been recorded and posted to the web, by Quentin Smith. For the brave of heart:
And touchingly, Domoni at wrote many kind words about my censorware work (concluding: "While I was an administrator I fought censorware locally. Seth fought it globally. I know what I'm about to say isn't enough. It's all I have to give. Seth, you have my respect. Thanks."). Thank you.
By Seth Finkelstein | posted in censorware , dmca | on April 04, 2006 02:26 PM (Infothought permalink)