There's a report, now A-listed, that:
CMP Media is blocking links from Google News. When you click on a link on Google News to a headline on one of CMP Media's technology publications, you get [a block page]
I can't reproduce this. I'm not saying it's wrong, but I can't get it to happen for me. It's of course possible that CMP changed it.
I can get that blocking to happen from a few domains. Anything at domains:
"" (CNET/ZDNet), "", "".
But not from or similar.
It's working off the "Referer:" HTTP header, so any header-removing privacy program stops the effect.
[Yeah, I know I should be cheerleading today on the INDUCE Act. But I want to use my technical skills, that's my strength, and in addition Google is a much less dangerous topic for me]
Update: Seems not to be true, or a brief accident. There's commentary in the cyberjournalist post
By Seth Finkelstein | posted in google | on June 24, 2004 11:59 PM (Infothought permalink) | Followups
mitch, i'm a journalist (visiting from where "nobody" reads your comments) and i'm reading you!
and by publishing what amounts to a journal online you are, ipso facto, a journalist. you do not need a degree on the wall, or even a printing press down the hall.
you just need a sense of fair play, a willingness to be personally insulted but STILL write fairly, and, if you really want to go the whole hog, a deadline that causes you to sweat blood periodically. go hard!
jason brown
freelance reporter
798 ara maire nui dr.
cook islands
ps: i haven't looked into it properly, but i bet a search of early journalism would find that the term 'journalist' was something invented by some snot-nose society toff, burning up daddy's estate money to produce a monthly journal on events at court, and who thought 'reporter' sounded too common (:|