September 05, 2003

"Obscenity Link Filter"?

I noticed the following interesting news from the censor-world:
"Feds Target Typo-Driven Porn Operation". Most notably:

Computer pornography is a major problem. It is especially offensive when it is sent to your computer by unsolicited e-mail -- or "spam." To counter this aspect of the problem, Focus on the Family, in connection with David Burt, of filtering company N2H2, have created the "Obscenity Link Filter" -- a way for you to forward unsolicited pornographic e-mail ("porn spam") to authorities, without having to download or view pornographic images.

Hmm, interesting Religious-Right connections here ...

Anyway, I couldn't resist, what is this thing? It seems to be some sort of link-extractor which operates on spam email. I hate to imagine an average person trying to use it though, since the instructions brought to mind all the jokes about bad instructions manuals.

But I suppose it's considered good PR all around, even if it's almost useless.

By Seth Finkelstein | posted in censorware | on September 05, 2003 11:57 PM (Infothought permalink) | Followups
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