Dave Winer's done some great work with an agreement to have the ability for weblogs to link to the New York Times Archives. Take a look at:
New York Times Archive and Weblogs
You have to use the URLs generated by http://backend.userland.com/directory/167/feeds/newYorkTimes , otherwise the link won't work.
Some notes of my own on the system which makes up the URLs:
The "ex" field seems to be some sort of timestamp-based database key, in units of seconds. I see variations which have intervals of exactly 86400, which is the number of seconds in 24 hours.
I'd guess the "ei" field is a partner id number. It seems to be constant.
The "en" field is almost certainly a checksum. Presumably it takes into account the URL and other fields.
The hard part of synthesizing a working URL will be the algorithm for the "en" field.
By Seth Finkelstein | posted in security | on June 09, 2003 11:58 PM (Infothought permalink) | Followups