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Seth Finkelstein's EFF Pioneer Award - Peter Junger's nomination

Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2000 19:56:39 -0500
From: "Peter D. Junger" <junger[at-sign]>
Subject: Nomination of Seth Finkelstein for Pioneer Award

It is with great pleasure that I have the opportunity to join with James S. Tyre and others in nominating Seth Finkelstein for the EFF Pioneer Award. [SF: various contact data redacted]

I have long been a supporter of free speech on the Internet (and am the plaintiff in Junger v. Daley). I have thus for a long time been aware of Seth's public efforts in that cause. He was, along with Michael Sims and Irene Graham, the one who alerted me to the very real dangers to free speech posed by programs that purport to be able to ``filter'' out ``objectionable'' content from the Internet, at a time when concerns about the Computer Decency Act, which was relatively easy to challenge, ower-shadowed the more diffuse, but no less real, dangers presented by filtering programs. And I was also aware of how unfairly he was attacked by some of those who were challenging the CDA and resented any attention being paid to other, equally important issues.

But I was not aware until today, when I saw a copy of Jim Tyre's nomination of Seth , of all the technical expertise and effort that Seth brought to the task of exposing the fraudulent claims that are made for such filtering programs.

And so I join in nominating Seth for all the reasons given by James Tyre in his nomination.

Sincerely yours,
Peter Junger
Peter D. Junger--Case Western Reserve University Law School--Cleveland, OH
EMAIL: junger[at-sign] URL:

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