August 06, 2008

Wikia Search "Evolution" add-on Wikia self-promotion

I noticed an interesting little item in the release of Wikia Search's "Evolution" browser add-on (it's designed to hand-scrape Google and Yahoo results, but others, with much greater audience, have already chewed that over - this post is value added). The owner data is:

Wikia Search Evolution 0.1.0
by Wikia Inc (Ashish Datta)

As I write this, the addon has three "reviews" and a rating of five stars (out of five). The third so-called "review" is by Jimmy Wales (only four stars :-)), and is really a plug. But this isn't even about that obvious conflict-of-interest minor hype. No, what's the first review?

[Five stars] Wikia Evolution!!!

Great add-on! Great search engine!

by Set Five on August 1, 2008

Now, who is user "Set Five" ?

User Profile
Set Five
Email address
Firefox Add-ons user since
August 1, 2008

"ashish"? Where have I seen that name before? Oh, right, "Ashish Datta". Who, according to LinkedIn, is "CTO at Setfive LLC" (and "Jester at Wikia").

You know what the Wikipedia apparatchik class does to people who do stuff like that on Wikipedia ...

By Seth Finkelstein | posted in wikia-search | on August 06, 2008 11:53 PM (Infothought permalink)
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