April 11, 2008

"Wikipedia founder's next target: Google" (Wikia Search)

Puff piece: "Wikipedia founder's next target: Google"

"It's no longer super rocket science that only the geniuses at Google know how to do," said Wales ...

Maybe, but there's no evidence that Wikia knows how to do anything beyond fizzling out. The following is not an original observation, but worth remembering: One important "community" difference between Wikia Search and Wikipedia is that there are no hot "encyclopedia start-ups", and markets for expertise in "Encyclopedia Optimization" (well, the latter job is arguably "reference librarian", but it doesn't pay nearly as well as being a search engine optimization expert)

More interesting is this little nuggest (my emphasis):

Wikia is moving to San Francisco, where most of its 50 employees live, from San Mateo, California, about 20 miles south, Wales said in the April 8 interview. The office will be around the corner from Wikimedia Foundation Inc., the non-profit parent of Wikipedia, ...

Just fortuitous, I'm sure. It wouldn't be "assuming good faith" to think anything more.

By Seth Finkelstein | posted in wikia-search | on April 11, 2008 06:32 PM (Infothought permalink)
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