October 17, 2007

Wikipedia, SEO, and "co-"founder porn history

[How's that for bait!]

seroundtable.com: Wikipedia, Yahoo Answers & Answer Sharing

I want to extract this gem from the article for some examination (and note they said it not me!):

Wikipedia has its own politics: Jimmy Wales doesn't like being "co-"founder of Wikipedia so his friends try to make the edits. He also wants to bury his history in the porno industry. But the rest of us know - or we do now.

I've sometimes wondered if that "Bomis Babe Report" project has become a classic case of "It's not the crime, it's the cover-up". Or alternatively, if contrary to the previous, Wales is demonstrating that sometimes taking a few hits for suppressing a story can be worth it, to avoid even greater embarrassment.

Given the breadth of human sexuality which can be found on the Net, I find it hard to get worked-up over someone once having been involved in pimping nudie pics (err ... puns unintended). But if you're trying to build a marketing image of doing it all for the starving children of Africa, it does seem to be a problem in terms of public relations. I really can't find any evidentiary basis to decide whether the attempted "cover-up" is overall worthwhile or not.

By Seth Finkelstein | posted in wikipedia | on October 17, 2007 11:10 PM (Infothought permalink)
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Aww, that's not such a big deal. I'm still trying to figure out whether Jimbo was born on August 7th or 8th.

Posted by: Jon Garfunkel at October 18, 2007 10:59 PM

The local Toronto paper recently had a story on how many times some local politicians had their Wiki profile edited from city halls IP address. Some were doing it ever few days. Glowing tributes all around apparently.

Posted by: Dave at October 22, 2007 08:42 PM