August 10, 2007

Australia's government censorware initiative - slippery slope in action

In the news about Australia's censorware initiative, which encompasses various subsidies and hotlines, one aspect has gone unremarked (h/t Ian Burrows):

Other changes include an extension of the ACMA Blacklist, which includes pornography denied classification by the regulator, to cover malware and terror sites.

Note the slippery slope is no conjecture. Here it began with porn. Once the blacklist system was in place, then it encompassed "terror" sites. But who could be in favor of "terror"?

It's just too easy to have mission creep like this. With secrecy and lack of accountability and outside review, there's an incentive to ban more rather than less.

By Seth Finkelstein | posted in censorware | on August 10, 2007 11:59 PM (Infothought permalink)
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"With secrecy and lack of accountability and outside review, there's an incentive to ban more rather than less. "

Don't forget the coming federal election - due in the next 6 months.

I am expecting all sorts of "accidents", oopsies, whining and straightout fear mongering by all sorts of special interest groups "thinking of the children" and denying terror a foothold in the minds of the people.

Posted by: tqft at August 11, 2007 06:04 PM