Due to recent changes in Wikipedia policy allowing some consideration of a living person's requests to opt-out of a biography page, I have now been allowed to escape from the burden of having a Wikipedia article. Kudos to Wikipedia administrator Durova for the sensitive effort on behalf of many people.
I didn't do it lightly, or without a lot of thought. But abilities of such an article to serve as an "attractive nuisance" were determinative.
By Seth Finkelstein | posted in wikipedia | on June 14, 2007 02:24 PM (Infothought permalink)
Oh, Seth, I'm so sorry. But I'm sure you'll find some other intractable nuisance to rail against. ;-)
Congratulations. I thought you had increased your profile to Wikipedians too much to be judged non-notable, and were thus fated to be included forever.
Wikipedia should release the traffic stats or search query stats for all pages and use them as a metric for notability.
Anon: nuisances aren't in short supply :-)
Rogers: Apparently there's been some sort of sea-change in the attitudes of the Wikipolitbureau, they're willing to let some of the unhappy campers leave from the glorious Motherland.