December 11, 2006

Lessig's CODE v2 released

Lawrence Lessig's book CODE, version 2, has been released. It's a book with much meaning to me.

I'm mentioned substantively twice in the book.

About the Al Gore / Internet story:

The only redeeming part of this story is that it's simple to document the falsity -- because of the Internet. Seth Finkelstein, a programmer and anti-censorware activist, has created a page on the Internet collecting the original interview and the subsequent reports about it. His is the model of the very best the Internet could be. That virtue, however, didn't carry too far beyond the Internet.

And concerning the Nitke court case and geographic location on the Net:

But it is still possible to evade identification. Civil liberty activist Seth Finkelstein has testified to the relative ease with which one can evade this tracking. Yet as I will describe more below, even easily evaded tracking can be effective tracking. And when tied to the architectures for identity described above, this sort will become quite effective.


By Seth Finkelstein | posted in activism | on December 11, 2006 11:59 PM (Infothought permalink)
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Posted by: Michael Walsh at December 18, 2006 07:40 PM