The "Child Online Protection Act" (COPA) Internet Censorship trial discussed censorware statistics on 11/8, where we finally got to hear the results from the report which sparked the net firestorm of the Google Subpoena.
Executive Summary: blah, underblocking, blah blah, overblocking, blah blah blah, number number ...
It was without a doubt the most statistical sophisticated expression of the idea that a censorware blacklist catches some stuff but not everything, and usually more than intended. All else is elaboration. And frankly, I've yet to find anyone for whom the precise numbers make much of a difference. Maybe the judge cares here.
Most amusing moment:
By Seth Finkelstein | posted in censorware , copa | on November 10, 2006 01:00 AM (Infothought permalink)A. No. As I answered previously, I think that one needs to consider the overblocking as well as the underblocking. If all you were concerned about was underblocking, you could just disconnect the computer from the Internet.
Q. What would the effect be of disconnecting the computer from the Internet?
A. There would be no underblocking at all, however, the overblocking would be rather severe.
I read November 7 th 8 and 9...of the court excerpts....
your characterization is good...
and that is a (very very very amusing moment)....