March 07, 2006

BBoing: "Did Secure Computing lie about amount of net porn to tout SmartFilter?"

BBoing, reposting Yorkshire Ranter:

Interesting tidbit from the Yorkshire Ranter about a 2004 "porn study" issued by Secure Computing (makers of SmartFilter, the censorware company that sells tools of oppression to dictators and labels every Boing Boing post as "nudity," even though 99.5% of Boing Boing's posts do not contain nudity.)

"Take this report they put out back in 2004. Apparently there were 307,000 pages of feeelthy pictures in the .st domain, Sao Tome's TLD. Which would have been mildly interesting, if it had been the truth. ..."

Ah, I remember that "study" well.

SmartFilter / Secure Computing Web Porn Study is "Fabricated", claims target and Update

.NU Domain Ltd, the US-based operator of the .nu top level domain name registry, today announced that it will take legal action against Secure Computing Corporation (NASDAQ:SCUR) for making false claims that .NU Domain is hosting millions of pages of pornographic material. The company also stated that it will take legal action against anyone who republishes this inaccurate and defamatory study.

They never did take that legal action.

I thought of getting involved in some way, but let it pass. Nobody (essentially) would have heard me debunk the "study", so why bother?

By Seth Finkelstein | posted in censorware | on March 07, 2006 11:58 PM (Infothought permalink)
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You couldn't have possibly sent the BoingBoing people an e-mail about this gross injustice?

Posted by: Cricket at March 8, 2006 09:59 AM

Over the last few days, I've sent them various items through their link suggestion form, and a little more. But, like Walt noted in the previous comment thread, I'm apparently not on their radar screen (or very minimally so). And there's not much I can easily say about that to them. Remember, they're literally the #1 blog, I'm a Z-lister. I have zero defense against any misimpression or if they take something the wrong way. So I have a lot more to lose if I'm pushy in any way (again, this is how the blog evangelism is so wrong-headed).

Posted by: Seth Finkelstein at March 8, 2006 05:51 PM