Reporters sans frontieres - Blog awards 2005 results
"Reporters Without Borders selected around 60 blogs that, each in their own way, defend freedom of expression. The organisation then asked Internet-users to vote for the prize-winners - one in each geographical category."
Congratulations to the winners.
I was nominated, but some of the winners are far better deserving of an honor here. Particular attention should be paid to the winner in the Iran category, Mojtaba Saminejad. Says RSF:
"A weblog that earned its editor, Mojtaba Saminejad, a two year prison sentence in June 2005 (See : In a demonstration of solidarity the 10 webloggers named here, who were also nominated for a prize, all voted for Mojtaba.They were : Nikahang, Shabah, Mithras, Khorshidkhanoom, Z8un, Memarian, Ghaja, Webnaameh, Shabnamefekr, Shargi."
By Seth Finkelstein | posted in activism | on June 15, 2005 11:59 PM (Infothought permalink)