June 13, 2005

The Power Of The Press, Personal Being Quoted Example

Observe the results of the following Google news search:

Results 1 - 10 of about 157 for Seth-Finkelstein Internet-filtering-expert

Observe the many sites represented in the echoing.

Ponder the estimated total audience.

Is this a make or break article? No. Though it's a great piece. However ...

People who think blogs are going to "route around" Big Media, or even provide a way for an ordinary citizen to fight Big Media, are simply stark raving lunatics. Bonkers. Deluded. Touched in the head. Or, more darkly, selling something a smart person would be well-advised not to buy.

Structurally, the only thing that happens is that BigBlogs take a place among other "bigs". I've said this before, of course. But recursively, practically, it won't be heard.

By Seth Finkelstein | posted in cyberblather | on June 13, 2005 11:59 PM (Infothought permalink)
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