June 04, 2004

Frank Weltner (JewWatchCom) replies

Frank Weltner, who is responsible for the "Jew Watch" site, has taken issue with my report:

"Jew Watch", Google, and Search Engine Optimization
http://sethf.com/ anticensorware/google/jew-watch.php

I believe in these circumstances, netiquette permits me to post his letter below. In the spirit of journalistic fairness, I'll let him have the last word.

Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2004 20:44:02 -0700 (PDT)
From: Frank Weltner <frankweltner[at-sign]yahoo.com>
Subject: your idiot article
To: Seth Finkelstein <sethf[at-sign]sethf.com>

I read you article which seems to puff with your own self-pride. Of course, you knew little about which you wrote.

If you had any brains, you would have figured out that Jew Watch was put on the web in 1998 and not really changed much. A look at the Way Back Machine on www.archive.org would verify this.

BTW, 1998 was BEFORE Google was even conceived. And, since Jew Watch was not altered, how could it have artificially "triggered" an unfair advantage.

Now, Wikipedia, on the other hand is using new blogs to artificially gain some unwarranted exposure which it does not deserve. Under Google's own rules, such interference in order to just influence placement, would indicate that Wikipedia should be tossed out for interference with the Google algorythm.

BTW, Jew Watch is authoritative, honest, and scholarly. Your usual Jewish sites are mostly opinionated little hack religious sites demonstrating ingrown brain waves and nothing more.

Jew Watch gets very few hits from Google. Google really doesn't affect its traffic alot. Did you think it did? You were wrong, again. Millions visit Jew Watch every year. It has had a tremendous effect on world opinion.

No one goes to Google to type "Jew."

I never did.

I never knew it was number one on Google for 3 years until I started seeing my name in the NEWS. Why? Because I am not the type of person who visits Google and types "Jew." Very few do. As Google said, the number of hits on "Jew" before the stories got into the press were nothing.

What's the matter? Does the truth about the Jews who murdered of 65,000,000 Christians in Russia and the rest of the USSR bother you being aired in public, where your tribe's blood-drenched Bolshevik brothers are pulled up from under the dark rock where you were hiding them for so long and their vileness and evil displayed in total sunlight to the masses of their victims, which you hoped would not occur?

Ahhh. Well, that's too bad. You Jews killed my Slavic relatives. You must take the heat for it.

Want the names? Trotsky (Bronstein), Yagoda, Kaganovich. For others, check Jew Watch. You will be amazed. Lots of names. Lots of dates. Lots of places where they heartlessly massacred white little boys and girls with blonde hair and blue innocent eyes.

How about the Jews that murdered the Tsar and his little white son and daughters, all of them innocent kids who had done nothing? Oh, that was very Jewish of you. Your red star of David was on your hats as you slaughtered those kids. And, of course, Rothschild, means "red star", and he changed his name from Bauer to rothschild or "red star"/"red flag".

You little neo-Bolshevik, you. Still killing girls and boys in Palestine, aren't you? Yes, and you do it while you call all of us a bunch of haters and racists.

Tisk. Tisk. You are the racists and haters.

Just to prove it, I bet you married a nice little Jewish girl, didn't you, instead of a Negro? Yet your little brother Murray Rothstein alias Sumner Redstone, owner of CBS and MTV spends alot of his wealth trying to get white girls to marry black guys. How come you Jews don't do that? After all, if race means nothing to you, which your Jewish owned papers and TV networks say all of the time, how come you always seem to marry a nice Jewish girl? Couldn't be because you are so racist, could it?

No. I didn't think so.

So pathetic.

You pathetic person.

Frank Weltner, Librarian

"You can fool some of the people some of the time, but with the truth before them they can no longer ever be fooled." -- Frank Weltner

Have a nice day as a member of the little tribe that kills and kills and pretends to be the victim.

So pathetic.

By Seth Finkelstein | posted in misc | on June 04, 2004 11:59 PM (Infothought permalink) | Followups
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What a load of pathetic shit. Keep your chin up, sethf.

Posted by: joe at June 5, 2004 01:10 PM

I agree with Mr. Weltner. I doubt that he did optimization. I doubt that he knew about optimization when he made the site.

Posted by: Pbb at July 7, 2004 07:29 PM

Frank Weltner is a moron which is typical of those who run in his circle or should I say, those like him who run in circles chasing their tails? Weltner states JewWatch was put on the web in '98 but in one of Kevin Alfred Strom's rants Strom states it was '95.
See, you people are chasing your tails or is that revisionist idea starting to screw up your own history?
Come on Franky you sound like you have been sitting with that aging ass of yours on a couch too long sucking down cheap beer and eating greasy tater chips. For a retired librarian you can't even put together a decent article without repeating thoughts and misspelling words (alot is spelled a lot and it's not algorythm but algorithm). Try using a spell check and looking over your triades before you send them out.
Now, how do you know that no one ever types the word Jew into the Google search engine, are you there peeking over their shoulders? Are you logged into their computers? Nope, so there you go ranting about something you have no clue of. Besides you didn't have to just use the word Jew to get your asinine site to show up on the search but being the numbskull that you are it didn't register in that thick head of yours.
And what the hell are you rambling about sixty-five million Christians dying in Russia? Do you have a list of everyone of those people with their religion and exact race on it? I would really like to see that one!
Mr. History is lacking in his knowledge of that area. As for the Czar, have you read up on those who lived under his rule, dumbass? Ever wonder why the people rose up and killed the guy? And don't tell me you believe in sparing the children because we all know you don't. It's that bloodline you all worry about and we know you don't want your "pure blood" tainted by some kid growing up and marrying one of your fat daughters or one-balled sons. So save your shock and horror for some punk kid you recruit. The rest of us don't buy it.
Did you spend all your days in the library looking up female co-workers skirts as opposed to checking out the books? Probably, you look like the type!
For someone who rants about the rest of the world murdering his sixty-five million "relatives" and I'm sure you have their personal info on hand, you have no problem mixing with those of your tail chasing kind who like to put pictures of lynchings up on their own websites. Talk about murderers......takes some real big kahones on a group of men to run down, torture and murder another human. You would like to do it right now, too. Unfortunately you can't............
And whine! You pathetic bastards whine constantly about one thing or another. For a bunch of so called leaders I have to wonder if any of you work or do you let the peons and women support your lazy asses?
As for your yammering about Jews marrying blacks...what color are the Ethiopian Jews, Franky? You really that f***ing dumb? Yeah, you are!
Speak of being pathetic, you win the prize! Now waddle on back to your couch and finish off that cheap beer and greasy tater chips.

Posted by: Judith Stefchak at July 31, 2004 02:04 AM