May 21, 2004

Peter Junger blog launched (Junger v. Daley, law professor, Buddhist)

Peter Junger has launched his new blog:


Blogroll it. I have some of his posting on my website, as he's written the best explanation and analysis I ever saw of the "least restrictive means" censorware politics, one of the most provocative historical insights, as well as the funniest true personal lawyer joke.

More formally, Peter Junger is a (now retired) law professor, who is most well-known for the Junger v. Daley case, which established:

Because computer source code is an expressive means for the exchange of information and ideas about computer programming, we hold that it is protected by the First Amendment.

The Samsara blog looks like it'll cover net legal theory/Buddhism/politics/personal reflection For example, take this recent post:

Expression Has Nothing to Do with It

The fact remains, however, that there is a much simpler reason for holding that the publication of computer programs--and not just source code--is protected by the First Amendment. To publish a computer program is to publish information and it is the publication of information that is protected by the freedom of the press. It's that simple. Expression has nothing to do with it

By Seth Finkelstein | posted in legal | on May 21, 2004 11:59 PM (Infothought permalink) | Followups
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