This is a week or so old, but I solidly recommend the paper:
A Case Against Filtering the Internet
T. A. Callister, Jr. Whitman College
Nicholas C. Burbules University of Illinois
Well worth reading for the evidence and arguments.
Paradoxically, on a personal note, it's another reason I think I should stop doing anti-censorware work. The paper makes many arguments similar to those I make myself. But the difference is that it was quite well-publicized, whereas I'm extremely marginalized. While the constant references to Peacefire and Censorware Project were good, it was saddening to see the authors had apparently never heard of me. I don't have the name-recognition and press-connections, so what's the point of doing work almost nobody will hear? (especially if it can get me sued!)
By Seth Finkelstein | posted in censorware | on September 14, 2003 11:59 PM (Infothought permalink) | Followups