January 02, 2003

Spam Is 'A Thousand Times More Horrible Than You Can Imagine'

Spam and DNSRBL's are in the news (using that term loosely), again due to the Slashdot boon granted to the missive on Moving Beyond RBLs

I've been thinking more about a different article, discussing Barry Shein and ISP "The World":
Spam Is 'A Thousand Times More Horrible Than You Can Imagine'

At one point, The World was under attack by 200 servers simultaneously "spewing the same spam at us," Shein said. "Little guys with scripts don't break into 200-plus servers and use them to spew at you. It seems like it's beyond what spammers are likely to be making on this stuff." Sophisticated stealth techniques and coordinating multiple servers seem to Shein to be beyond the resources of small spam businesses.

Right. Beyond the resources of small spam businesses. But what about large spam businesses? That much? Terrifying.

By Seth Finkelstein | posted in spam | on January 02, 2003 02:56 PM (Infothought permalink) | Followups

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