September 23, 2002

"Banned Websites Week" - book sites as SEX (SmartFilter)

The American Library Association (ALA) has designated September 21-28, 2002 as "Banned Book Week". This is an event to "Celebrate Your Freedom to Read".

So, as a small contribution in celebration of the freedom to read, here are some book-related websites likely to be banned in some libraries and schools, as they are all blacklisted as "Sex":
"Banned Websites Week" - book sites as SEX (SmartFilter)

Nowadays, book-banning has moved into the modern age. With a Federal censorware law (CIPA) affecting schools and libraries, the freedom to read, if using a computer screen rather than paper, is arguably being extensively threatened.

By Seth Finkelstein | posted in censorware | on September 23, 2002 11:38 AM (Infothought permalink)

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