Seth Finkelstein's Free Speech Pages - Censorware Essays


In March 2001, I was named a 2001 Pioneer Award winner by the Electronic Frontier Foundation I adapted my acceptance speech into an essay:

Thoughts On Winning An EFF Pioneer Award

See my analysis (June 2002) of the court decision overturning a Federal censorware law:
CIPA ruling as censorware argument handbook

I wrote a submission about censorware , in August 2002, to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration.

I was one of the very first people arguing against censorware and pointing out the deeps flaws, as early as 1995. Now, that's free-speech gospel. But it was a lonely stance back then.

I co-Founded Censorware Project , and spent a lot of time volunteering my skills as chief programmer. Regrettably, increasing legal risk and lack of desperately needed defense/support for me, ended my participation. My independent work can be found at Seth Finkelstein's Anticensorware Investigations

With all that programming, I still managed to write some early essays criticizing censorware:

The X-Stop Files: The Truth Isn't Out There

This was first distributed as a "Sex, Laws and Cyberspace" Bulletin, on October 9, 1997. It then appeared on the Ethical Spectacle Censorware Page

In 1998, I submitted the following testimony to the Senate as part of hearing mandating censorware in schools and libraries (the more things change, the more they stay the same ...)

Comstock in the '90, or the Index of Prohibited Web Books

In November 2000, I did an investigation of SmartFilter's Greatest Evils - censorware & privacy/anonymity . Then as a follow-up, I've made a suggestion as to the possible application in terms of library censorware:

SmartFilter's Greatest Evils - a library censorware implication

What Happened To The Censorware Project ( is an essay which speaks for itself.

And if you think censorware's OK because it just applies to "children", take a look at:

Censorware ("Filtering"): It's not just for kids anymore

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