Comments: Forged memos humorous conspiracy theory

I've tried to stay away from this nonsense (mebbe because I used a proportional typewriter in the 1970s...), but I finally looked at the PDF you link to.

Man, if this is a forgery, someone went to an awful lot of trouble--I mean, getting the baseline of the words as irregular as on a typewriter, getting the bowls of most "e"s to fill in the way they do with typewriters, getting the feathering on some letters the way they did with older typewriters and fabric ribbons...
None of which you can do with word processing and a contemporary inkjet or laser printer, without spending a lot of time in Photoshop.

It would have been cheaper and faster for a forger to go buy a $99 Brother electric typewriter and just type the *#& thing.

And, of course, if someone from CBS actually had an original document in hand, it would take two seconds to determine whether it was typewritten: Just feel the back of the paper. So, all in all, this seems pretty odd.

Unless, of course, someone was roveing around in a way to plant suspicions of a dread Demo forgery conspiracy...nah, who would do that?

Posted by Walt Crawford at September 10, 2004 05:37 PM

"None of which you can do with word processing and a contemporary inkjet or laser printer"

I wonder if multiple generations through a copier would do the same? The only thing that could be a problem is "getting the baseline of the words as irregular as on a typewriter"

Seth, I think you hit the nail on the head. This will put a stop to all of that "AWOL Bush" talk, even if it is true.


Posted by Fred at September 10, 2004 08:41 PM

It's not just the superscripted "th", it's also the proportional font. It's easy to see that the "i"'s use less space than the other characters. CBS is know using the fact that it has been copied multiple times as a defense. However, it's still quite clear that the document uses a proportional font.

Posted by randy fred at September 11, 2004 02:15 AM