Comments: Surprising Extent Of China Google Censorship

I just wanted to say that I'm glad you linked to that other article citing Yahoo as the worst offender when it comes to censorship in China. I think it's important to remember that any organization wanting to do business in China has to play by that government's rules. This is not a Google-is-a-sellout-to-censorship issue; it's much larger than that.

Posted by zhonghuarising at June 18, 2006 08:32 PM

Posted by at June 20, 2006 06:06 AM

JIM LEHRER: You've said also that all presidents lie. Do you really mean that literally?

BEN BRADLEE: Yeah, I think they do. I think they do. And they lie because they don't search out the truth. They get involved in incidents that do not have a clear answer and in the process of explaining those or trying to avoid those, they say things that aren't true. Now, we don't like to call those lies, maybe because it isn't quite bold enough. It isn't quite obvious enough.

JIM LEHRER: People ask people who interview people on television all the time why they don't ask them--when they ask a question, they hear an answer back that they know is wrong, they don't lean over and say, liar. It's not what we do.

BEN BRADLEE: You'd get a lot of listeners if you do.

JIM LEHRER: Yeah, yeah, right. A lot of people don't want journalism anymore.

BEN BRADLEE: I think the, I think the answer for newspapers is because the--we're losing that young audience. I don't think, I don't think people get hooked on newspapers, some never obviously, but until much later in their life.

Posted by at June 20, 2006 06:09 AM