[Concerning a scheme for Electronic Book Rights] [Posted to a computers and policy list] Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2000 16:19:06 -0500 From: Seth Finkelstein Subject: E-book rights, or Brave New WIPO I've been skmming through the specs at It's like someone at the Cato Institute went absolutely wild. Amazing stuff. Some choice excerpts: Electronic books may be able to avoid the fine print and warnings by making automatic what you can and cannot do with a copyrighted work. ... * CopyCount - Number of copies of the content object the holder of the voucher is allowed to view/lend/give/sell. * Rights - Various rights that the holder of the voucher has: * Lendable - Whether the holder can lend the voucher. * Givable - Whether the holder can give the voucher to another entity. * Sellable - Whether the holder can sell the voucher to another entity. * LendingTimeout - Amount of time the holder is allowed to borrow the voucher. * PersonalUseCopies - Maximum number of personal use copies per PersonalUseTime. * PersonalUseTime - Day, Week, Month, Year. * PersonalUseCopySize - Paragraph, page, chapter, whole. ... 3.1.5 Rights - Basic rights element The basic rights define whether the owner has the right to give, lend, and/or sell copies of the voucher. There are no attributes currently defined for the Rights start-tag. The values in the content of the Rights element are separated by commas. The allowable values for the content of the Rights element are: * Lendable - The e-book can be lent to another consumer or library. * Givable - The e-book can be given to another consumer or library. * Sellable - The e-book can be sold to another consumer, distributor, or bookseller. For example: <Rights> Lendable, Givable, Sellable </Rights> ... 3.1.7 PersonalUse - Personal use element If this element is missing, no personal use rights are allowed. The PersonalUse element is a container element for the actual personal use rights elements. The personal use rights specify how often and what quantity of information can be copied (or printed) from the e-book. The personal use rights elements are: * Interval - The interval during which personal use copies and/or printouts are tracked. The choices are: Day, Week, Month, Year. * NumberAllowed - The number of personal use copies and/or printouts that can be madeduring Interval. * CopyUnit - A value indicating what portions of the work can be copied and/or printed. The choices are: Paragraph, Page, Chapter, EntireWork. ... EBX also designed to provide "electronic rights management information" as defined in the World Intellectual Property Organization Copyright Treaty [WIPO96].